Mike Drak, author of three bestselling books focusing on the non-financial side of retirement planning, recently announced that his second book, Retirement Heaven or Hell, is now available as a free download. Mike’s third book, Longevity Lifestyle by Design has been available as a free e-book since its release in 2022.
Read on to find out why these books should be on your reading list, and for links to download the free e-books from the Booming Encore site.
About Mike Drak
I first met Mike Drak several years ago when he gave a presentation shortly after the release of his book, Victory Lap Retirement. After hearing Mike’s talk, I read the book, and it completely changed my thinking about retirement planning. In fact, it was the catalyst that inspired me to pursue retirement coaching as part of my own victory lap.
Mike is a recognized expert on the pitfalls of retiring without a robust non-financial plan. After a 38-year career in financial services, Mike retired and personally faced what he calls “retirement shock”. Since reinventing himself as an author and speaker, he has made it his mission to help people avoid the dark side of retirement.
Retirement Heaven or Hell
After meeting Mike, we stayed in touch and I had the opportunity to review an early manuscript and provide feedback on his second book Retirement: Heaven or Hell – Which Will You Choose? Like Victory Lap Retirement, it’s an excellent read that builds on the idea of a new vision of life in later years.
In Part 1 of this book, Mike shares the story of his experience adjusting to retirement. Mike knows retirement shock very well. After an initial honeymoon period, he personally struggled with feelings of anxiety, lack of direction, and even depression as he sunk into retirement hell. He talks about how he climbed out of retirement hell and got started on discovering a new purpose.
Part 2 has Mike’s 9 principles for designing an ideal post-career lifestyle. These principles form the foundation of a holistic retirement plan and the work retirement coaches do with clients.
In Parts 3 and 4, Mike dives deeper into the importance of purpose. And he encourages readers to reject traditional views of retirement and aging and become retirement rebels.

Retirement is a significant life change, and many people struggle with the transition. Unlike many other retirement books, this book doesn’t shy away from the challenges. It’s essential reading for anyone considering retirement.
Longevity Lifestyle by Design
Longevity Lifestyle by Design – Redefining What Retirement Can Be is Mike’s third book. It’s a practical guide to help readers create a plan for a purpose-filled and rewarding second life. Mike was so excited about it that he decided to give the e-book away as a free download as soon as it was published.
This book is divided into four main sections:
Part 1 – The New Retirement sets the stage by looking at five retirement life lessons from Mike’s personal experience and the people he’s met through his coaching work. This section also discusses fundamental needs in retirement and the role values play in determining success or failure. Finally, this section introduces five different retiree personas and the joys and challenges each will face.
Part 2 – The Secrets to a Long, Happy, Fulfilling Retirement outlines six core principles that are the key to a long and happy life.
Part 3 – How to Design Your Ideal Longevity Lifestyle is where it all comes together. The book walks through a nine-step proven process to help readers create a master plan for their second life. There’s also a companion worksheet available for download with the free e-book.
Over the years, Mike has built a credible network of friends who are experts in all aspects of living and aging well. In Part 4 – Expert Perspectives, these experts share their wisdom on retirement realities for women, why men struggle in retirement, how the principles of lifestyle design apply to Millennials and future generations, why and how to adapt your home for your later years, and more.
This book is ideal for anyone with the discipline to reflect and create their own retirement life plan. No retirement coach needed!
Download your free e-books today
Both books are easy to read, while being full of thought-provoking ideas. Readers will want to come back to them again and again as they create their second life vision.
Get ready to be a retirement rebel just like Mike. Download a free copy of Retirement Heaven or Hell and Longevity Lifestyle by Design at Booming Encore.
Please share this post with your friends. Mike’s message has the potential to change lives and I’d love to see him achieve his goal of a million downloads.
If you need help creating a plan for a smooth transition for your retirement, contact me to set up a free call to discuss my coaching services.
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