Cup of coffee on a desk beside a laptop and a notebook with "Ikigai: Creating Meaning & Purpose" written on the page.

Find meaning and purpose with Ikigai

When I ask my coaching clients to tell me about someone they know who’s living their best life in retirement, they often describe people with a strong sense of purpose. These retirees are using their new-found freedom to pursue activities of significance to them. They’ve discovered how Ikigai can help them find meaning and purpose. And you can too!

In The Ikigai Journey, authors Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles define Ikigai as “The meaning of life, the thing that makes you get out of bed each day in eager anticipation.” We don’t have a similar word in English, but it’s what the French would call your raison d’être

One of the most important steps in the retirement coaching process is answering the question “Who do you want to be?” I use the Ikigai framework to help clients answer that question. 

Let’s take a closer look at the origins and benefits of Ikigai and how it can help you create a retirement filled with meaning and purpose. 

The origins of Ikigai

The island of Okinawa off the coast of Japan boasts the world’s longest living population. Many of its residents live past age 100. More important than lifespan, though, is healthspan. Residents of this island enjoy excellent health with lower-than-average rates of heart disease, dementia, and breast and prostate cancer.

What’s their secret? In IKIGAI: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, Garcia and Miralles explain that Okinawans fully embrace the principles of Ikigai. They lead busy and active lives. Instead of spending their later years wasting away in a rocking chair, they engage in outdoor activities and community projects. In fact, retirement isn’t even in their vocabulary. The word simply doesn’t exist. 

The benefits of Ikigai

Ikigai has long been associated with living a longer and healthier life. The World Economic Forum’s Longevity Economic Principles Report cites research indicating a strong sense of purpose can reduce your risk of functional disability by 31%. It can also reduce your risk of dementia by 36%. 

In addition to lower risk of functional disabilities and dementia, The Lancet reports that Ikigai is associated with reduced psychological distress and improved happiness and life satisfaction. 

So how can you reap the benefits of Ikigai

Finding your Ikigai 

Ikigai worksheet showing the Ikigai framework: Skills, Needs, Love, Money

If you examine the diagram above, you’ll see Ikigai at the intersection of four areas: activities you love, things you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for.

To build a life of meaning and purpose, a good place to start is spending time reflecting on four questions and plotting the answers around the diagram:

  • What do you love to do? Make a list of your passions and interests. Are there activities that put you in a state of flow where you lose all track of time? Put them at the top of the list.
  • What are you good at? These are your skills or superpowers. You’ll probably immediately think of skills you’ve developed during your work life, but don’t ignore things you’ve learned from hobbies or volunteer work.
  • What does the world need? Consider needs in your family, your community, or in the world at large. What problems can you help solve? How can you use your passions and superpowers to help others?
  • What kind of work could you do and be paid for? Think about how you can turn your passions and skills into a source of income. Earning income might be less important to you as you approach retirement, but it’s good to consider how you can add value either through paid work, or volunteer work. 

Next, examine your four lists in hand and look for overlap. This will give you some ideas on activities where you can find purpose and fulfillment.

It will take time and reflection to work through your list and identify opportunities. A retirement coach can help you use the Ikigai framework to design a retirement lifestyle that will make you get out of bed each day in eager anticipation. 

If you’re ready to create a retirement filled with meaning and purpose, contact me to schedule a free consultation.  

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One response to “Find meaning and purpose with Ikigai”

  1. […] a bonus exercise at the end of the book, Discover Your Purposes. The exercise reminded me of the Ikigai framework I use in my retirement coaching work. It’s worth spending the time to complete the […]

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